Made Dharmendra Architect seeks to provide architecture works which has strong, integrate and comprehensive in the concept. Architecture that is inspired the past, anticipated and engaged the future for today’s living. Most of our projects derive from nature and local tradition. Structure, materials and technology are used closely to express appointed concept. Connection between inside and outside should keep maintain as a one. The architecture works result should responsive and responsible to their site, environment and its occupants. Our works will be definitely seem different from one project to another as each project has its own identity
Our Service

Made Gde Dharmendra, ST., IAI, AA, is a Balinese, Indonesian born in 1977, an international licensed architect, and award winning architect took his degree in architecture from Sepuluh November Institute of Technology (ITS) Surabaya. His experiences background starting in the Maldives for several years in the resort development and the last destination before he decided to come back to Bali.